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Should Your Shoes And Belt Match?

In short yes of course your shoes and belt should match! Soooooo many men get this simple concept so wrong. My theory is that if you are buying a new pair of shoes you should look at it as a bundle, new shoes, new belt that matches.

I have lots of my clients ask me this question if the belt is brown and the shoes are tan can't I just use that brown belt? No! Tan is tan and requires a tan belt to match the shoes, brown is brown and goes with your brown shoes.

If you are unsure of the shades of brown, there is a simple and very effective way to check if your belt matches the colour of your shoes... hold the belt next to the shoes and see if it is a good match! See so simple, if it is not a match you need to go find a belt that will match your shoes.

Now if you are one of those fancy pants that loves to experiment and go for a deep forest green or navy dress shoe, this can sometimes be trickier to find the matching belt. When this happens I suggest you go online or head down to the trusty Queen Victoria Markets (if you are in Melbourne, if not most cities will have a similar market). You can have a custom belt made up for generally around $30 in a leather that will match your shoe colour and your waist size! Brilliant!!

Now when it comes to casual shoes, try and pair it with a casual belt. Hence don't go wear your black business leather belt with your white Converse trainers... My suggestion is if you have to use a leather belt at least make sure it is textured or suede.

When it comes to boat shoes or loafers these you can generally get away with a more casual belt, but if you can match the colour and the texture this is always going to take you to the next level in your style!

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